Roman Apolonov is from Germany and 4 times world champion in JJIF Fighting! Read more about Roman.

Roman started with Judo when he was five but he was also always really interested in kicks and punches so he found Ju-Jitsu to be the perfect sport. In the year 2010 he became member of the Juniors National Team in Germany and began to focus on Ju-Jitsu more and to become as professional as possible. Besides Judo and Ju-Jitsu he also trains Sambo (a martial art that origins from Russia)


European Champion 2010, 2012
World Champion 2011

European Champion 2015, 2016
World Champion 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
World Games bronze medalist

Roman was the instructor at the kickoff in February this year and we are very happy to welcome him back to Sweden and the 20th year of the Summercamp!



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