New MMA instructors

The MMA course is finished and we have licenced our first MMA instructors. The course was led by Martin Janson and Ricard Carneborn. Our friend the Thai Boxer and Nordic champion Joakim Stenberg taught two hours of striking and the clinch game. The following people...

Our partners

The summercamp have many great partners and we are very happy to tell you about the following deals that we made for the camp. !Solid A clothing shop in Nacka Forum that have sponsored the camp with clothes. We will have a lottery during the camp and also several...

The schedule is ready!

The schedule for the summercamp is now ready and you can download it as a pdf here. The schedule can change with short notice! At the start of the camp we will divide everybody into the A, B or C group. You will then follow your group during the whole camp but it is...

Private classes

During the camp it is possible to book a instructor for a private class. When a instructor is not teaching he or she can be availible for a private class. We will have a special room for the private classes so it will be very exclusive! Prices are only 300kr/person...